Double A:
You are a "double scream"! Just when I need a laugh, there you are again! Someday, I hope to meet you in person. I can tell you are a riot!
initially this post was a response to a question by a poster about the likelihood of an atomic weapon being detonated in the near future.
in order to preserve this topic i have moved it to this forum.. __________________________________________________________________ .
history is at a great turning point.
Double A:
You are a "double scream"! Just when I need a laugh, there you are again! Someday, I hope to meet you in person. I can tell you are a riot!
guys and girls.
the society have now instituted carnivore - their data tracking system installed into the uk bethel to track all apostate email and activity.
the reason is the amount of "leaks" of confidential mail and facts.. they have tried and failed with legal blocking, so now they are plugging the leaks, these guys were brought into mill hill late last year after the leak of the june 1 letter.. their method is to use message boards and chat rooms for the "disaffected" and get them to go to other "society monitored" web sites.
By tracking (through software logs, cookies, java scritps, etc) your IP address, all they can accomplish is isolating an IP address that 99% of the time DOES NOT belong to user, but is leased to the ISP by the registrar.
Most ISP's use DHCP services (which assign IP addresses to connecting customers randomly from a pool of numbers) to connect users, therefore the IP address changes almost every time the user connects.
Another point; supposing the "digital theocratic crackers" discover apostate users and track their IP addresses through security software, and then somehow connect that with an e-mail address; what's the harm? Who here is using their "real" e-mail address? If you are, you are either already out of the WTBS, or do not care.
If you are a dial-up user, and your monthly connection is tied to your credit card, simply stop using internet explorer. Spend a few dollars and use a different browser. Learn something other than Microshaft Windows. It's terrible anyway. Or, hide under a rock and stop using the web.
If security is a concern, and you are worried/paranoid that the WTBS theocratic cyber-cops have ways of finding you, then simply use false information and register a false e-mail account at one of the free public services. Then, you're safe.
the issue is as old as eden itself, that being: does god have the right to tell us what to do?
that core question, more than anything else, defines what jehovahs witnesses are about, in that we are outspoken advocates and supporters of jehovahs right as sovereign to require obedience from his creatures.
the flip side of that is, of course, rebellion against god, which is expressed in numerous ways and on all levels of society.
Dear AChristian:
You answered:
I'm not going to get into a silly debate with you about what a perfectly righteous God could or could not do. A "Could God create a rock so big that he could not move it?" type of debate.
Early on I said that God wanted to create people whom He could have a loving relationship with. But since true love can be neither forced nor programmed, in order to have loving relationships with us, God had to create us as free people. Free to choose to love God and His ways or to not love God and His ways. In other words, free to do both right and wong, free to do both good and evil.
I believe that statement is a very reasonable one, and that only someone who enjoys arguing for the sake of arguing would contest it.
I am NOT trying to offend you or attack you in a personal manner. I am ONLY attempting to understand the "pattern" and "method" to the logic or reasoning you are utilizing. Again, you mention that "GOD" HAD to create us as free people in order to freely choose to love him, obey him, and understand right and wrong. And again, this continues proving that GOD is therefore NOT perfect in his justice and love. "GOD" knowingly issued defective products, despite advanced manufacturing techniques. This makes "GOD" liable to the consumers, or in this particular case, victims under the "grandfather" clause of product liability. Do you understand the logic?
The further your responses proceed, the easier it becomes to measure the overall "soundness/reasonableness/logic" as a theme. Unfortunately, I must conceed that any objective examination of your arguments and the arguments of Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Shintoists, Muslims ALL appear to contain the same concurrent themes throughout the teachings, doctrines and literature. The all resemble fairy tales, myths, legends, fear of supernatural and superstition.
It is not a case of wanton debate and antagonism. PLEASE do not escalate in that direction. Proverbs 27:17 states that "by iron, iron itself is sharpened, and so one man's face sharpens anothers".
social services.
my local social services are increasing under financial pressure.. will social services collapse?.
a recent article inthe new scientist says that the gap between rich and poor is getting greater with the middle classes disappearing.. what problems is this going to cause?.
in the corporate world the top leaders are of course responsible when something goes wrong in the organization they lead.
why should it be different in the religious area?
during its existence the watchtower society has printed all kinds of articles about who are chosen to become elders in the watchtower organization.. the sum of all of them is that these men are appointed by all the big shots in the universe starting with jehovah, which in turn delegates the handling of this matter to jesus which in turn works his wonders through a mystic entity called the holy spirit.
As usual, another finely conducted article! Look forward to your next talk!
legal suggestion when facing elders .
there have been a number of posts stating that the elders have called and requested a meeting.
i guess that either there is a full moon out, or the society has been putting the bug up the elder's rectal orfice to chase down less than active jws.
It is AMERICA, the land of the free. So you are "free" to join a cult if you want, and you are also "free" to leave, legally speaking.
initially this post was a response to a question by a poster about the likelihood of an atomic weapon being detonated in the near future.
in order to preserve this topic i have moved it to this forum.. __________________________________________________________________ .
history is at a great turning point.
Good point. The 80's were tiring as a JW. Sorry if sounded too harsh. I think it may have made me tired.
firstly, hello from a newbie .
i was reading a thread a few days ago which got me thinking.
it was about everyones views on apostates before leaving the dubs.
I was never afraid of the apostates. I was always curious and wanted to know more, and also try to win them over apologetically.
When I was alone and out of town on business, I always visited bookstores and libraries to read everything. The apostates once visited our assembly hall (Natick Massachusetts) and began shouting "Jezebels" and a few other things during a talk. The attendants quickly formed a tight circle and started moving towards the lobby forcing them out and then calling the police.
So, I think silent peaceful protest works the best in public, like Ghandi tactics.
i thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
2. 23
initially this post was a response to a question by a poster about the likelihood of an atomic weapon being detonated in the near future.
in order to preserve this topic i have moved it to this forum.. __________________________________________________________________ .
history is at a great turning point.
I wasn't apsiring for your accolades or approval Robert. I was simply ackowledging the substantial portions of your message.
Yes, the "source" of all existence has the ultimate control. I concur. As far your opinion is concerned, and whether or not it reflects the majority or minority, that is an irrelevant subject at this juncture.
Sometimes, ridiculing Robert is amusing and reduces stress. However, I have to admit (and apologize before hand) that I am tired of these 80's conversion themes you have been posting. I think poking fun at "valley talk", "surf lingo", is outdated. Like, I don't think anyone is using tubular! radical! narly! gag me with a spoon! barf me out! anymore. I could be wrong. I left Malibu in the late eighties, so who knows, maybe the whole place has gone retro?